✉️SMTP setup

We use the "Resend" option to send emails in ClarityWrite. It's a free solution! Follow these simple steps to set it up in ClarityWrite.

Step 1: Create an "Resend" platform account

Step 2: Setup your Domain

Step 3: Generate API keys

Step 4: Copy API keys

Step 5: Add details in ClarityWrite

Now time to add details in ClarityWrite. Go to Dashboard ➜ System Settings

Click on the SMTP button.

Step 5: Configure SMTP in ClarityWrite

Here are the steps:

  1. Enter your custom email account in the email input field.

  2. Paste your API Key into the SMTP Password input. All other details remain unchanged. You can also specify your preferred "from" name if desired.

Congratulations! SMTP configuration is complete

Last updated